Saturday, February 05, 2005

Blogging for the Fifth Time

Here I am again.

I'm having that mental block again. I never seem to know what to write about in my blog.

Fine, I'll do the boring stuff.

So this morning I woke up at around 10+++ in the morning. Yes, I love sleeping. I almost couldn't get up and I kept collapsing into bed. Mom tells me it's late. Fine, I thought, so I get up and wash. End up discovering that breakfast was long over :=] Okay, sleeping too much isn't good for your stomach, folks.

So I get up, and after breakfast and lunch it's time for tuition. Something goes wrong and my pineal gland goes bonkers. I keep thinking I'm late, pack my stuff, tell my brother to hurry, and rush off. I realise later in the car that I left BOTH my handphone and even my wallet at home. Oh my.

So I reach tuition a tad early and wait a while before it starts.

Oh dear, logarithms.


Okay, enough whining. So tuition ends, and I try and get my mom to bring me my wallet and handphone so I can go to library.

I only discover that I still haven't paid my piano teacher what I owe her for the books yet.

So all my plans fail, and I don't end up in the library.

At least I end up eating KFC.

Okay, enough about my dietary habits.

So I'm at home, and I start watching TV, surfing the Internet, and basically doing a lot of stuff that only makes boredom more boring.


Dumplings, ooh.

Okay, ENOUGH about my dietary habits.

So dinner's over, and I take my bath, watch more TV, surf more Internet, and lo! Here I am.

That's life. [for me so far]

P.S. Sorry Eudora! I really really really didn't mean to leave your blog out! How could I forget about you? ARR! [ Okay, you probably think I'm crazy. I've apologised to you in like, 3 places - that would, of course, be on MSN Messenger, in the Links/Friends page, and here. Haha :=]

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