Thursday, June 01, 2006

Blogging at the Most Unearthly Hours.

It's an unearthly time - 04 15 in the morning. Here I am in a classroom in a school typing a blog entry. It's kind of interesting because here I am skipping sleep and feeling concurrently the effects sleeplessness inflicts upon me. My eyes occasionally lose focus and my language becomes very hampered. Words stop before they even hit the tongue and sounds just get all jumbled up in the mouth. It's like a pasta gone wrong.

Eep. Utter madness, utter delusion.

I feel like typing random stuff hahaha.

Am curently listening to Madonna's "Forbidden Love" (the "Confessions on a Dance Floor" version) and my right eye just got quite dry (I'm not wearing my contacts hmm).

Well, Media Camp has been, so far, very crazy. Our original thought of coming here to relax and watch things from behind the scenes have been very cleanly dashed. It sucks but we have no choice except to just follow along.

Ok, am I to belive that I am going to raise the status of this whole exercise to a brand new level by terming it " aerobics"? How very silly.

Oops, I just typed something that was very random hahaha.

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