Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I am finally blogging again - even as I currently suffer under the barrage of a cold. I don't have a bad sore throat or regular coughs but my muscles feel like they've just been stretched taut and then snapped loose again and my bones feel like they've just been used for scraping grime off walls. My nose feels like someone had dammed it up.

Ok ok enough with the exposition on poor old me and how I'm ill.

Bleh school's grating on me. My brain cells are half-dead and every step I think sends me into vertigo. I -

Wait I'm still expounding on the sufferings of poor old me.

Anyway, school's grating on me. Although there isn't too much homework (luckily) there's enough to do at school to tire me out after one day. And all those crazy events that are going on, even those that I'm not involved in, are making me feel breathless. Social Etiquette course, Road Run 2006, Careers 2006, supplementary lessons during the holidays and after school next week - not to forget all the Drama Club sessions, and debate training - and of course third language - I'm as dead-beat as a broken Elvis record. That's not to say I dread them, of course (especially Deutsch, Debate and Drama) but all those afterschool stuff is too much.

Oh yeah not to forget the Learning Journey on the 22nd of March.

Bleh it's crazy. The poor Sec 1s and 2s (the whole cohort!) has been called to perform for the National Day Parade in August and their training is on Wednesday AND Friday. It's absolutely crazy and it's like as though they're preparing them to go to war or something. It's in AUGUST, people - y'don't have to start in MARCH if you're going to put them through such intensive training. Please please please think about the students' welfare before you think about how they're going to bring glory, recognition and fame to the school. It's definitely not worth it if you're going to have them full of grouses about the school authorities in the end.

Ok I think that's enough ranting for now. Am coughing now. Think I should stop this digitatory exercise now.

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