Saturday, May 06, 2006

Exams. Again.

It's exactly one month and one day since my last post. It's been very hectic and my computer life hasn't been energised enough for me to blog.

Well here I am. But I'll probably be disappearing again for about a week or two from my blog because I've got my Mid-Years. Yes, my Mid-Years. Currently, my Elementary Mathmatics Paper 1, Social Studies, Chinese Paper 2, and Biology Paper 2 are over.

History (Elective). Eee. I wonder how I'm going to study for it.

Ok ok relax. Don't get stressed. Dooonnn't get stressed.

Anyway, to digress, I've managed to come up with a list of my favourite models. Here goes, in no order of merit:

1) Gemma Ward - She looks absolutely fabulous in this "Merry Christmas" outfit with a red velvet skirt for the D&G Fall/Winter 2006/7 show!

2) Snejana Onopka - Her eyes are absolutely beautiful. It's the dreamy way she stares (sometimes it just looks like she's bored) - her eyes look like they go very very very deep into an unknown space and you're just drawn to it.

3) Doutzen Kroes - Her eyes too! They're a very brilliant shade and her irises look like some precious gem that's been cut into a million shades. Also she has what they term very "sensuous lips". She's just gorgeous hahaha.

4) Unknown Guy in D&G Ad - I don't know his name. He's the guy who appears in the D&G ads for Spring/Summer 2006/7 - he's the one who's lying on the floor and propping his head against the wall. He's got a very hot figure and yes, it's his eyes again. Very very sharp-looking eyes that seem to drill (in both senses of the word) and scorch you over and over again.

That's about the people I can think of for now. I might put up pictures at a later date.

Update: Pictures of Gemma Ward, Snejana Onopka and Doutzen Kroes up. Pictures from - Gemma Ward's photo is from D&G Fall/Winter 2006 while Snejana Onopka and Doutzen Kroes' pictures are from Dolce & Gabbana Spring/Summer 2006.

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