Saturday, December 10, 2005


I watched "Bob" two days ago and am still quite excited over it. I can't believe that Sark and Rachel can actually SHARE such chemistry - and it was really nice to see the exchange of accents! The only eerie thing was how much Rachel seemed to resemble Lauren when she was speaking in that British accent - it's no wonder Sark was utterly captivated, hahaha. And it's definitely interesting to see a reversal of roles - Sark isn't planting the bomb now; Sark's a potential victim of the bomb. The writers of this episode were clever to do that; I can't wait to see what's going to happen in the next episode (which is "Horizon", and in which Vaughn is supposed to FINALLY re-appear - I just hope it ISN'T some dream sequence - though the likeliest possibility is that it will be, since Sydney's supposed to be sent into a "hypnotic state" *sigh*) - and I wonder if "Bob" will appear again in some future episode.

It was nice of them to make Sark go freelance too - the good guys could always be either working WITH or AGAINST Sark, depending on who's employing him - and he gets really large sums of cash for it ^_^ It was definitely entertaining to see Sark declare that "this one's a freebie" - it was most probably because of Rachel! Sark is soooo definitely smitten!

Ok so squealing about some episode like a fanboy was weird.

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