Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The Klar Wars

Hello everyone, it's me, your least favourite blogger all over again. Today's weather has been absolutely lovely because it threatened rain when I was going home clutching a large piece of vanguard, my Bag2, heaving my Bag1, and holding a plastic bag containing a packet of fish & chips. Then when I got home, it didn't rain.

Talk about nice weather.

Well, I can see the rain clouds gathering, so I'm going to stop complaining the weather.

Welcome to another issue of teen idiocy.

So anyway after I got home I IMMEDIATELY started work on my fish & chips. I really couldn't stand the idea of my fries getting soggy (trust me, it's DISGUSTING. Just look at McDonald's fries half-an-hour after they're cooked). THEN I showered (yes, I was THAT desperate) and then started completing my Maths homework. Yes I'm a good boy. Not. It's due tomorrow and it was given on Friday - LAST Friday. Eeps.


No German on Thursday!

Last week, I [kinda] survived Episode III: The Revenge of the German Teacher a.k.a The Horribly Crazy German Semester Test. I SWEAR I got something wrong. And frankly, I doubt I really caught more than 45% of the Hörverständnis. I was probably too busy figuring which German teacher the voices belonged to. Why do they HAVE to use the centre's teachers anyway? It's kind of distracting when you suddenly hear your German teacher's voice. It's kind of like hearing Darth Vader start speaking when you're listening to the radio.

Not that my German teacher wears a mask or anything.

So this week it's Episode IV: A New Hope a.k.a I Don't Have German Lessons At All. I'll have the June holidays to prepare for Episode V: The Return of the German Student (yes, that's me!) and then I'll have to undergo Episode VI: The German Teacher Strikes Back.

Das ist SO verdammt.

Edit @ 2142 hrs, 24/05/05: Whoops. ZiepZiep just pointed out that Episode V was "The Empire Strikes Back" and Episode VI "The Return of the Jedi". Stupid me. Well, just take it for face value first. Or you might like to prefer the alternate ending whereby I have to suffer Episode VI: The German Teacher Strikes Back BEFORE gloriously bringing back Episode VI: The Return of the German Student. Ok that's fixes it I hope.

Damn. Next time I make references to ANYTHING that's trademarked, I'm going to do my research.

Whoops. Does that mean I have to research myself?

Thursday, May 12, 2005

*Cough cough cough*

Here I am, sitting down and listening to Gwen Stefani's "Hollaback Girl". People are probably going to start screaming how stupid Gwen Stefani is and that she should "Free the Gwenihana Girls!" I'm just going to ignore those comments and continue with my post as though nothing has happened. Yep, that's right, I'm dismissing you all who are beginning to bitch about Gwen Stefani for one simple reason - I don't care. I'm listening to their songs, it's not like I'm one of her Harajuku Girls/Boys/Ladies/Men/Teenies/Babies/Bitches/Bastards/Whatevers.
Damn, I'm having a headache. I realise I can't really write a blog entry properly listening to Gwen Stefani. I'm a little too obsessed with her songs to concentrate properly. Argh. Pardon me if I begin to sound weird because I'm just not paying attention to what I'm typing. Sorry!

Ah ok, paused the song. My brain should be a little more free to write now.

So today's a Thursday and it was supposed to be my turn for MAD Vibes duty, but it rained *sigh* And I didn't go for MAD today. I'm really really really sorry you had to do a one-man show, ZiepZiep! Owe you a favour 'k?

I'm currently drinking Yakult and tapping away at the keyboard. I managed to borrow the remaining two Alias Season 1 CDs (thanks ZisZis!) and I've finished watching three and half episodes already. I'll probably finish the remaining three and a half episodes over the next few days.

I'm terribly lost now. I wonder what I should do to find a aim for myself. I need a goal in life.

Why, of course, that could be everything and anything.

Maybe I should start learning Russian all over again. I keep forgetting once I've gotten the book *sigh*

And I need to work on Korean. Argh.

Oh and I forgot to add, I've installed a new comments sytem - Haloscan. PLEASE tag, people! Need your comments to know that everything's ok =]

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Nothing Groundbreaking Yet.

Yep, nothing too ground-breaking yet, only that I've started a brand-new blog. It isn't really a blog since I'll post lyrics there. I've done my first post and it's there already. My new blog might have song reviews soon but currently I'm a little exhausted.

Oh the address. It's [ http://howlyrical.blogspot.com/ ]. Yep, I didn't host it on my server. I want to save space =] (remember, I'm hosting a few subdomains and a hostee...)

*double grin* =] =]

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Raining Cats and Dogs [And Men and Women].

It's almost 7.30 in the evening and here I am blogging away. Within a kilometre radius I believe that at least 75% of the people are having dinner. I'm starving here *cries out and struggles in the Sims way*

It's a Tuesday, so there was MAD today.

Wait wait, too fast, I need to start from something earlier.

I had a Biology test today. Nutrition and digestion in mammals. Well, it was con-si-der-a-bly okay, since there weren't really any questions which made you scratch your skull. Most of the answers came off the top of my head (yes I know - SHUT UP about my hairdo). I had to use a calculator for the balanced diet question because the calculations were too...too...difficult and would be too time-consuming to do by hand.

Ok, enough about the Biology test. After recess was Elementary Maths. Oh dear, another test. This time on inequalities, number patterns, and direct and inverse proportion (I have a SERIOUS feeling that I left out something. Oh never mind, the test's over). I think...I did...okay. I don't know. My answers were rather wonky. Hmm.

So skip skip skip and I'm back to MAD. It was s'posed to be the juniors' first official debate session but some people simply couldn't be bothered to come, claiming they had something to do. Ok, so maybe they do, but could they at least confirm it personally? To a senior?
Ok, I'm going to cut the complaints. To the debate.

Well, I'd say they weren't really TOO prepared. I guess you can't blame them. I mean, for my first debate I was also stuttering away. Goodness, I still remember the stupid motion - "This house believes that photography is more efficient than painting." I was on the proposition team. Now, I really want to kick myself for not making use of the fact that I was on the proposition. At that time I didn't fully comprehend the meaning of "efficient" and all along I thought that my team was in a disadvantaged position. Now that I realise what "efficient" really denotes I realise that I had been REA-ALLY STUPID then. I STILL want to kick myself. Like in the face or something.

Whoa, how did I get so far?

Oh by the way, I borrowed a Foxtrot book from Amanda yesterday. Finished it in German class. Returned it to her today.

Wow, that makes FOUR Foxtrot comic books in THREE days. Amazing.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Ok ok, at last.

Yes yes, I know, don't complain - I KNOW I haven't posted for a long time. 8 days, yeah yeah.

Ok ok, so here I am, posting. I'm listening to Britney's "Baby One More Time" ('Sleep with me I'm not too young!' - if you don't know what I'm talking about, please reverse the song using Goldwave) and I'm currently ill. Yes that's right, I've fallen ill. I think it's because I made my poor Alain hurt himself in http://www.coldnights.net/ - oh my poor Alain. *sigh* I really love him as a character too much (Yes, I know I created him. Stop shouting "Narcissist!" or else).

Anyway I've been ill and it's been Speech Day. Yeah, Speech Day. Which means I've spent a good whole two to three weeks rehearsing for my emcee role. Yep, I'm emcee again, for the FOURTH time. Talk about being a Master of Ceremonies. I'm a Tired Master of Ceremonies, and I've made a truce with Mrs Tan not to look for me for at least the next few months. I need to catch up on my studies AND my beauty sleep. Yep, I NEED my beauty sleep.

Oh, and I need to swim more. I NEED the exercise. Talk about beauty.

Hey, guess what, it's Mother's Day, and Mom had to cook! *sigh* AND I haven't done anything for Mom yet. I feel bad. Eeps.

And guess what, I read THREE volumes of Foxtrot in TWO days. Yep, I love the dysfunctional family just a little too much. Just like I like my darling Alain *sigh* He currently lies in a hospital bed after having lost too much blood. Hope Elle hurries up with her post so he can wake up *sigh*

Oh by the way, a little bit of trivia. Did you know that "Edan", the pseudonym (yes, I know it's the umpteenth pseudonym I've had - stop shouting "Fickle idiot!" or I'll SHOW you an idiot) I use to post with in ColdNights.net is actually Celtic for 'fire'? It's a Celtic name.

And yes, I went to the library yesterday. Three volumes of Foxtrot ("Think iFruity", "Enormously Foxtrot", and one about cactus hotels - sorry, couldn't remember the full name), one Anne Rice book ("Blood and Gold" - about the vampire Marius, a Roman-senator-turned-big-bad-vampire), a book on Greek (Hugo's "Greek in Three Months", to be specific - yes, I know I've borrowed that a million times - whatever), a book on Japanese (realis'd that there were a few pages missing *sigh*) and a Chinese book on Korean (title translated would be "800 words in Korean"). Yep, that'd be one empty slot left. I returned "Enormously Foxtrot" today at the library@Orchard and borrowed a book on Irish ("Teach Yourself: Irish") and a book on Hebrew ("A Modern Israeli Hebrew Textbook"). Time to work on it, guys.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Nothing much.

Yes people, it's another post to let people know I'm still here. I can't bear to leave the blog untouched, so I thought I'd post something.

Anyway, upgrades and improvements to HoD.net are currently under way and I guess they'll be up pretty soon. In the works are four (including this blog) subdomains, each of which deals with different topics and subjects. I'll release the details or even the website soon.